
Home by Design Magazine

MY ROLE | Magazine logo design
CREDITS | Brand Guideline design and content: Fatima Travassos

Logo redesign for HBD publication featuring decor, food, and lifestyle. This magazine is designed for realtors, mortgage brokers, insurance agents, contractors and interior designers.

Key Focus:

Design a legible logo mark that best represents the magazine content. The logo mark should have contemporary styling without departing from its traditional aesthetic and work within the constraints of the set magazine template.


Logo | Maintained the traditional style logo with a contemporary quality, using a classical but refined serif font, contrasted with the sans serif tagline.

Relevancy | The roof silhouette with connected serifs alludes to the architectural concept that ties articles featured in the magazine to the professional fields of their clients. 

Legibility | The logo is legible on relatively busy backgrounds, works well in a smaller size and fits the template area comfortably.



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